Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Skip the Dishes to Fire Hundreds

The downtown head office in True North Square of Skip the Dishes will look a whole emptier today as 100 corporate staff are laid off and 900 operations staff. In Winnipeg the number might be 350 staff. Four floors in the True North tower were Skip offices. It was estimated that in 2019 that nearly 2000 employees were in Winnipeg.

Skip has has three top execs in one year so clearly something has been going on there. The purchase of GrubHub for billions in 2021 has been a major drain on the company, a huge mistake. The heavy debt and the reduced demand post-pandemic on takeout has hurt the multinational company.

Further details likely to be released but with so much debt, Skip is struggling in 2024 and is looking to cut where it can.

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