Monday, November 12, 2012

Lowe's Home Improvement and Bouclair Seasons of Tuxedo

Lowe's Home Home Improvement Plan Approved.
Bouclair Sign Approved

The ads for IKEA are coming via print and television. They are cute, informative and keep emphasizing the opening day November 28. Every day and late into the night contractors and employees are working, training, assembling and stocking the building. If I had to guess if they were going to be ready, I would say no. However, this is what they do and come hell or high water...or snow, they will open on the day they say they will.

As mentioned here and from what everyone can observe for themselves, there is a whole lot of other construction going on that is nearing completion. The building beside IKEA is going through finishing touches. Although no official announcement has been made by the developer, it is now confirmed that Bouclair has applied to the city for two signs on the exterior of the building.

This is Bouclair's first Winnipeg location and they are a home decorating store so being this close to  IKEA is probably beyond their dreams.

The other store that has not officially announced they are coming but has submitted plans to the city is Lowe's Home Improvement. No word on when they will be built but sometime in 2013 is the word.

The opening date for Cabela's in May of 2013 but they are moving along so swiftly that it this could change.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I can't pass by a home improvement store such as Lowe's or Home Depot without stopping for a few minutes. I'm always in the middle of a home improvement project and need something to finish it.