Pictures of the opening Nygard on Broadway and Sherbook on November 17, 2007. Pictures from Nygard's website.
Back in January, I wrote about the changes on Sherbook Street. The Free Press began to take notice themselves in in an article on September 29.
The part of the street the Free Press details is Sherbrook Street between Westminster and Broadway Avenues. On Broadway, as noted in the story, Nygard tore down a number of older buildings that housed their former retail outlet digs as well as some other retail and business operations. At one point in the late 1970s/early 1980s, a massage parlour graced the corner. The retail outlet itself back in the 1970s housed a disco.
Over time, a variety of businesses along Sherbrook succumbed to the deterioration in infrastructure or simply abandoned the area for better options. Salisbury House closed and was replaced by a police substation. That spoke volumes.
Nygard's store signified that something different was happening and although it has a big box look to it, there is no doubt that it has attracted people to its location.
Sherbrook and Maryland are mostly residential with mixed businesses located on the streets between the Assiniboine River and Portage. It has had its ups and downs over the years but the 1990s were years when it looked more down than up. Many of the houses in Winnipeg saw their value drop or remain static for a long time. Some of the streets such as Furby and Spence were in full decline in terms of safety due to crime.
In 2007, a fire burned an apartment/retail complex at Westminster and Sherbrook. The businesses didn't survive the fire. As I recall one of the businesses was a small massage therapy clinic and the other was a gift store on Westminster. I don't remember what faced on to Sherbrook.
The block was not salvaged and it fell to the wrecker in 2008. The Free Press says that Winpark Dorchester is reconstructing a 4,900 foot retail/office/apartment block on the site. A Subway restaurant will open on the spot and the apartments will be loft style affairs.
In April of 2008, Stellas Cafe opened their third location just down the street and opposite the Sherbrook Hotel. By all accounts, it has been a success and they are already building a patio. The building they renovated was a long since closed pharmacy.
It will be interesting to see what other developments happen over time. The downturn in the economy might delay further changes.
Good post !
I lived in West Broadway for about ten years and toward the end of my stay could see the Sherbrook / Broadway area really start coming into it's own. It's great to see that continuing with Stella's and the rebuild at Westminster.
Now if they could only do something about the Sherbrook Inn.....
I have not heard of a major incident at the Sherbook Inn for a number of years.
The hotel is a local vendor and watering hole now.
The people of Charleswood who have just lost their local watering hole are probably envious of the West End now.
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