Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Who is Winnipeg's Best Tweeter?

As the year comes to a close, who is Winnipeg's best tweeter? And yes, I did say who as in a person.

As far as Canadians, Justin Bieber is generally listed and Justin Trudeau made it to the top. However, a city councillor in Toronto named Norm Kelly who gets twitter wars with hip singers like Drake was considered Canada's top tweeter.

The top Twitter account in Winnipeg is Captain Andrew Ladd. But he is the top tweeter? The next account is Kevin Michaluk, a digital wunderkind who runs a business reviewing the latest gadgets. Is he top tweeter? Following that are a fitness business people, journalists, athletes and some others who I have to determine what they do.

As far as myself, I follow a number of journalists, politicians, new sites and individuals. Since I don't own a cell phone, my access to Twitter is usually only see highlights and scrolling through a bit. I don't get to see Twitter wars as they happen. I often miss live tweeting of events.

Do I have a favourite Winnipeg tweeter? Hmm, I don't know. I don't know. I like a little mix of news, humour and sarcasm and some links to further detailed stories. However, I don't know that there is one person that is my go to.

So who do others think is Winnipeg's best or top tweeter?

Sunday, December 6, 2015

2015 Fall Radio Ratings

In the spring radio book, CBC Radio 1 did what would have been thought impossible only a few years ago: It surpassed CJOB in the ratings. The fall radio book has confirmed and emphasized the gains CBC has made in the Winnipeg market. The parenthesis is the 2014 fall figures.
  1. CBC Radio One –15.3 (12.8)
  2. 680 CJOB — 10.9 (13.6)
  3. 92 CITI FM — 9.4 (6.6)
  4. 103.1 Virgin Radio — 9.0 (8.3)
  5. QX 104 — 7.4 (9.8)
  6. 99.9 BOB FM — 6.0 (5.8)
  7. KiSS 102.3 — 4.9 (5.0 as 102.3 Clear FM)
  8. Energy 106 — 4.5 (5.3)
  9. CBC Radio 2 — 4.0 (3.4)
  10. FAB 94.3 — 3.9 (5.0)
  11. TSN 1290 — 3.5 (3.2)
  12. 97.5 BIG FM — 3.1 (2.6 as Power 97)
  13. 99.1 Fresh Radio — 2.5 (2.2 as 99.1 Fresh FM)
  14. Jewel 100.5 — 2.2 (1.8 as Jewel 101)
  15. Radio-Canada — 0.2 (0.2)
CJOB still maintains a number 1 hold on the 6 AM to 10 AM slot and that is where the music stations offer the most competition as well. However, CBC Radio 1 is strong in so many other places that it climbs into the number 1 spot for daily listeners.

There have been many programming and brand changes in the Winnipeg radio market. Charles Adler has left for SiriusXM Radio on Satellite. And four of the 15 radio stations including one dominant Power 97 have changed call letters, staff and music formats.

The CBC is not without problems. It has excellent national programming that helps it stay original but just this past weekend the Globe and Mail pointed out to problems of the show Q. Once again the issue is hosting and how rigid the program is to reading off question cards. The interview will Adele is given as an example of missed opportunities in the form of an intuitive follow-up questions.

Setting aside quibbles about CBC radio programming, it has been successful where CBC TV has not: winning the ratings.

So is all lost for CJOB? The answer is no. There are some possibilities available to increase their ratings without a lot of pain. The first thing is to move to FM. Or at the very least run dual signals like CBC. One of the reasons CBC has gained in the local ratings is that people continue to favour FM. Another thing the station can do is to find a broadcast partner like 92 CITI FM and CBC Radio 1 have for television. The Wheeler show broadcasts on both 92 CITI FM and City TV and the ratings are solid.

It hasn't helped CJOB that the Winnipeg Blue Bombers didn't even make the play-offs. It is a sure bet that had the team made a run for the Grey Cup, the ratings may have looked very different. As it is, the fall book reflects continued strength of the TSN 1290 and the continued love affair with the Winnipeg Jets return. It is not hard to imagine that a CJOB with Winnipeg Jets on it would not have lost the number 1 position.

Still, not the first time CJOB has lost the Jets. They can survive but the question remains whether Corus Entertainment wants to give their local station the resources to pursue a more solid ratings outlook.

As for all of the music radio stations? It would seem to be that radio DJs will be the main attraction if music can be sourced from so many other places. In short, the people doing original material on the station matter.

I have migrated to satellite radio for all but TSN to CBC to CJOB. A lot of people don't listen to anything they haven't downloaded or haven't connected to via streaming. Will that audience come back? Maybe only for live sports broadcasts.

It is a tough market but original material still has a market. For a long time many radio stations chased the same music or talk formats with the same people and thought they had a captive market. They don't. Local and original could be what changes where the radio stations stand in the next years.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Saks Off Fifth Discount Store Coming to Outlets Collection of Winnipeg

It was long suspected but today it was announced the Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5th discount store would be one of the major tenants in Outlets Collection of Winnipeg. Today it was confirmed by
Ivanhoé Cambridge that the store will anchor the development in 2017 across from Seasons of Tuxedo.

Work is in earnest on the factory outlet mall already with Porsche and Audi indicating they will be building two new dealerships on the site.

The 32,191 square foot store will have some size to it and today announcement is likely to draw other top retailers to firm up their plans and sign leases in the mall. The 117 acre site is expected to cost $200 million when complete.

Expect more announcements soon.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Future Pot Shops of Manitoba

1957 Liquor Commission Winnipeg. Fill in a form, we get your liquor, does your mom know you drink, son?
The Liquor Marts of today are far removed from the Liquor Commissions or LCs of Manitoba's past. A selection was behind a counter, a customer wrote their order and put lots of personal information there for tracking and a government worker went into the back and fetched it for you. Cash only, please. Put in a plain paper bag and don't dare have it anywhere but your trunk, sir.

The good old days.

We just had changes to archaic liquor laws in Manitoba but neither the NDP or Progressive Conservatives like to go to far for labour or religious reasons. Manitoba might eventually be the only place in North America with government stores.

Now, don't get me wrong... the Liquor Marts of today are far better than the sullen shops of the past. The liquor laws as well. However, as we have been told, Manitoba liquor is the most expensive in the nation. Our government has boasted how proud they are of it.

The government is so proud of their achievement that they have merged liquor and lotteries. Both businesses need to be government owned according to the government. Best they be together.

Now, Premier Greg Selinger has indicated that marijuana should also be sold by the government in Manitoba. Talk about the triple crown here.

Now, I am not a consumer of pot but I think it is very rich that the government is stepping in here to make sure they can max out on the profits by banning everyone else from selling it. Talk about overstepping.

The early pot shops in Colorado were heavy on security and light on aesthetics. That is changing. The latest store to open in the Denver area saw design reporters attending to comment on the award-winning architects.

An election is coming up and one has to ask: If the federal government moves to laws similar to Colorado on crime and pot, do we really need the province to step in and crush everyone else? Go further with this argument and perhaps we can ask: Do we need to own government liquor stores and casinos? Is there a better way? Is regulation not enough?

Look at what Colorado opened up this week.

Ajoya...get your pot and a Apple computer
Regulate where a pot store goes. Regulate security. But do we need to know it if it legally can be sold?

Winnipeg could see some brilliantly designed stores. The money will pour in. Keep the province safe, healthy and prosperous but stop being mother.

Fill to this line or go to jail