I apologize for the lack of posts since the beginning of the the year. I have written when I could but it has been a tough number of months. I have been going through the process of a divorce. While there has not been any rancour, it has been deeply saddening and I have struggled with trying to stay focused on work and on how and where I will be living.
I thought most certainly I would leaving my beloved Charleswood as it seemed a difficult prospect to find a home in this market in the same area.
I was first started life in the downtown area about as close to Portage and Main as you could get residentially. My family bounced around from apartments to houses until I was just about to start Kindergarten. At that time, our family bought a house in River Heights. It was where I grew up through the many years.
When it came time to buy my first home, I looked in River Heights but found even then it was hyper-competitive to find a place. I looked farther afield in south Winnipeg until coming upon old Charleswood just past the west entrance to Assiniboine Park.
It is here that I have called home the last several years and it is where I have found a place again.
I am settling in and hope to continue to write more about the neighbourhood and about the city and province in general. As I said, it has been a tough time but I am finding a rhythm and getting back to it.