Sunday, May 12, 2024

Birchwood Terrace Evacuated St. James

The Birchwood Terrace is a sprawling apartment of 171 units built in 1962 at 2440 Portage Avenue when the St. James area around Moray Street was booming. The apartment was one of many that were going up along this stretch and with a Safeway at the time just down the street and bus stops able to take people downtown, it made for a very busy area. Ladco owned by the Borger family owns the apartment as well as the Holiday Inn Airport West.

Many apartments in the area have been undergoing renovations so it should not have come as a surprise over the months to various vans outside from companies appearing to working. For those living in the building, the attention looked like the underground parkade. Little did anyone know the engineers were increasingly alarmed by the stability of the structure.

Late Thursday a decision was made and at 7:30 and through till 8 PM, people were told they had 12 hours to get out because there was a fear of collapse. How anyone could make arrangements then is anyone's guess. Most stores were getting ready to close, most rental truck places as well. Could you pack everything you own in 12 hours?

In a meeting last night, over 100 residents listened to the developments that led to their leases being terminated and being told to leave. Many seemed numb with shock, sleeplessness and a range of emotions. U-Haul has given a few month of rent for those displaced at their facility on Notre Dame. Where so many people will move to is a mystery.  The shortage is rental accommodation has gotten critical even though there are buildings being constructed all over the city. 

Winnipeg is 150 years old this year. Buildings, houses and infrastructure are a growing refurbishment need. The city let its own Civic Parkade and Public Safety Building deteriorated to the point where they had to be demolished. The Winnipeg Square parkade was in need of refurbishment and the city sold it. And the Millennium Library parkade is in desperate need but it looks like they will actually fix it.

The point is that a lot of places in Winnipeg require maintenance.  Even the city lets things slide until the only option is to close. It isn't a good look and in this case, could have led to people being hurt. It still might in the case of Birchwood. It is hurting in terms of the terrible displacement of people.

The collapse of a residential building in Florida is still fresh in mind. Some of the thoughts on the engineering failure was thought to be that it was by the ocean but there was a lot of focus on the swimming pool as well. Birchwood Terrace has a swimming pool but there doesn't seem to be any engineering focus thus far other than the parkade support beams. 

Fencing went up around the building Saturday. It is apparent by many balconies that quite a few people have not been able to clear their belongings in the short time allowed. Security is present. Owners gave a time limit since once work begins, it is not safe to be inside. It is a big question whether people just leave items and hope the building stays okay so they can return in however long it takes. Some said till next year.

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