Sunday, June 18, 2023

Rack Attack Open in Polo Park

1030 St. James Avenue Avenue has always found success by proximity to Polo Park. But it doesn't mean things stay unchanging. The luxury kitchen store WC Potts closed and it was curious to see what might take it's place. The wait is no longer. Rack Attack has moved in to the space as part of Canadian expansion of this unique retailer. Their grand opening was Saturday, June 17.

I supposed it should be be surprising that many Canadian retailers have been resilient through the pandemic. It hasn't been the The Bay or Canadian Tire that has had to close in recent years as we look at Sears and Bed, Bath and Beyond. 

Rack Attack is a Vancouver-based retailer of car racks, bike racks, rooftop tents, outdoor and overland gear. The company has 47 stores across the U.S. and Canada and has just opened three new Canadian stores including the Winnipeg one. While other retailers have closed, this particular one is opening locations. Finding a particular niche and running with it has proven successful for this brand.
Supplied pictures above of one of the stores.
Many bikes and cars come with pretty basic kits. After market transportation racks and the like in one place with people who know the product has an appeal.

The area along St. James opposite Polo Park has always been a mix of retail and industrial type of businesses. This should be the perfect high traffic location for this business. 
It is approximately across from Smitty's.
Business survival is increasingly what makes you different from others out there rather than what makes you the same. As mentioned, it is why some Canadian stores have thrived despite the competition from bricks and mortar stores or online. Rack Attack might be that type of store with staying power.

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