Monday, February 27, 2023

Winnipeg Free Press Drops Dilbert

The comic strip Dilbert has been dropped after artist Scott Adams recorded a podcast in which he made anti-black comments in response to a poll linked to white supremacists.

While the artist said he was taken out of context and others said he was being absurd, it was hard to distinguish anything of the sort from his race-based comments. Even Elon Musk hasn't sought to defend the comments just his right to say them. However, every newspaper has a right to carry whatever comic strip they wish to carry as part of their right to free speech as well. And in this case, hundreds including the Free Press, no longer wish to associate with the artist and his work.

An editorial note will appear where the strip is starting on Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

It remains to be seen whether the Sun will pick up the strip.

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