Saturday, January 21, 2023

Burger King Now Open at Seasons at Tuxedo

If it seems like an overflow of activity from Seasons at Tuxedo, it is because so much constructions has reached conclusion, is nearly done or about to put shovels in the ground. The rush is to complete as much as possible. Polo Park is about to embark on a huge expansion with housing and retail and Kenaston Kapyong Barracks. At the pace Seasons is going, it is not unreasonable that by the end of 2023, there will be no undeveloped land left.

Last year Burger King indicated they were going to be opening more Burger Kings in Manitoba and renovating others. True to their word, two more have gone up bring the number in Winnipeg to about 14. One has gone up on Empress and another at Seasons of Tuxedo. During the pandemic pretty much every McDonald's in Winnipeg renovated. Other franchises are only catching up.

Burger King is looking to challenge McDonald's in Winnipeg. For years, they have been in locations that are less lucrative than the Golden Arches. That seems to have changed only recently.
Above the Empress location with Khab Tapioca and Chung Chun Rice Hotdogs. Expect to see more Asian fast food, casual dining and fine dining in Polo Park area in the next years. And the missing area across the city is curry shops.

As noted about Seasons, it isn't a standard mall. If it was, it would have some of the problems affecting the smart centers across the country. They have waited for some miracle retailer that is just not coming.
Just down the street the Smart Centre is struggling to fill spaces that have been vacant for some time. It is only now they they have freed themselves to seek out businesses that would not have had a chance to be located there in the past. In short, the focus on retail with a few restaurants is far too limited for success.

Contrast this with Seasons with a huge residential area, hotels and non-movie house attractions such as Rec Room. Also, contributing to livability are dentist, vet, pharmacies, fitness studios and banks and financial services. What is unacceptable is after ten years is that there is still no sidewalk from Kenaston to Red River Co-Op Grocery. None.
Presently, there are only internal pathways but none connecting south Sterling Lyon. The city is letting down the community. All of Kenaston in the area not having sidewalks is an embarrassment and dangerous.
One section after another of construction is going on so the community should expect to see people explore what is actually present. More and more people are walking within the area. In some cases, it easier to step out of your residence, skip the car and walk to the grocery or pharmacy.
Not as heavy on the cannabis stores here but I'm assuming the days of 200 locations will come to be a rationalization of them. Seasons has a liquor store and a beer vendor too. Say what you will be you know what Osborne Village and South Osborne don't have? A beer vendor.
The pictures above will be the 5000 square foot Krispy Kreme. It will be clearly visible at the busy corner of Kenaston and Sterling Lyon.
Across from Krispy Kreme is IG Wealth Management. Some of their meetings will feature donuts soon.
Few vacancies remain in completed sections. Hair and nail salons are also present. A large medical tests centre is on site.
Foot traffic and car traffic going by from commuters and local residents will come in handy. This week a few more restaurants have shuttered elsewhere in the city because it has been hard to find workers, people have not returned to office and high inflation. It hasn't easy.

At the moment Seasons has the momentum and Burger King opening should see success at such a busy location. 

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