Thursday, September 8, 2022

Manhunt Over

Another mass killing in Canada and a whole lot of grief in Saskatchewan. The result was a manhunt where the names of the suspects were released early and an alert given by the RCMP with critical data instead of a sleepy Tweet. The alert spread to neighbouring provinces as they depth of the dead and injured became known and EMS helicopters flew to major trauma centres and RCMP tactical squads headed north.

RCMP disclosures were faster and this was probably in response to the mass shooting in Nova Scotia which was confusing and dangerous and led to far more deaths. The inquiry that is ongoing there is horrifying to follow. If the warnings the RCMP gave in Saskatchewan helped avoid more killings then this is a good thing. 

A death in custody is not a great thing especially when you see police handcuffing the suspect. An autopsy will reveal if an overdose took place but so many questions left unanswered and we are not likely to hear from independent investigators with any immediacy. Police still need a chronology which is within their purview, especially if there are those who criminally gave aid and comfort to the killers before, during or after what happened. 

Only an inquiry will probably be able to assess what led to the killings, the parole violations, the nature of the targeted attacks, the reasons the brothers worked together or in the end, turned on one another and the police response as the manhunt began.

For the moment now, let us just give the broadest sympathy and support to the families of those lost and hurt in this attack. The victims of these crimes need to know they won't be forgotten.

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