Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Anita Neville Appointed to Manitoba Lieutenant-Governor

Firstly, Janice Filmon did service beyond the call and did it with kindness and leadership. She was in the position much longer than she expected and battled through health issues as did her husband Gary who very much helped her as she did him over these last years. As good as the position of Lt. Governor is, you become a symbol to the province while fulfilling a constitutional responsibility as Queen's representative and democratic guardian. The politics of before (had there been any) is left behind and you listen and champion the people you serve.

We will never know all those that were on the final list to replace Filmon. We know some were amazing but the demands of giving fully and not being committed to party politics, business or running other organizations is a hard one. The vetting for such a job is painstaking and it is possible to still make errors in appointment as witnesses nationally with the Governor-General. Good on paper has to be matched by awesome people skills.

The federal government has announced that Anita Neville, longtime Liberal politician but retired for some time, has been appointed. At 80, she is older that the Lt. Governor she is replacing and is the first Jewish woman in Manitoba to hold the position. As a Trudeau appointment, she sends a message, as Neville has been a long time supporter of Israel but also a champion of refugees. She has advocated for same sex marriage and indigenous people.  Her long time involvement as a school trustee, MP and community service should give her an understanding of her role as vice-regal.

Being Lieutenant Governor in a majority-run province isn't overly political. It can be a time to show grace, compassion and to listen to the people and celebrate with them and mourn with them. Neville need only look at Janice Filmon to see how it can be done.

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