Thursday, May 20, 2021

Disney Store Polo Park to Close

It only opened at Polo Park in 2014 and in 2021 it closing.

All the Disney stores in Canada being shuttered.

A Disney store that had operated at St. Vital Centre closed in 2010.

The pandemic seems to have little to do with the closures as this was predicted would happen prior. However, it likely hastened the cost savings to shut them all. now. Disney lost a ton.

It seems just as likely stores open again unless Disney thinks young shoppers only need online resources to decide on their favourite stuffed animals. 
We are still in pandemic times but a lot of stores are gearing up to open at Polo Park and the new wing is almost complete in the Sears building. The loss of Disney is sad but the mall with survive.

And who knows? Disney might change their mind all over again. Like they have done in the past.

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