Tuesday, March 23, 2021

My Car After Deer Collision and My New Car in the Showroom

On Wednesday, March 10 I was headed home from work. The time change hadn't happened yet and I was even a bit later as I stopped to pick up dinner. At 7:15, it was fairly dark and I just turned off Roblin Boulevard onto the Charleswood Bridge to come home. There were a few cars ahead, a few behind. Some were passing me on the left as they were going faster and I was merging into the lane and had not achieved maximum road speed. 

I was almost at the bridge, still being passed when deer appeared on the bridge! Not just one but a few. They zipped behind me, then far in front. All at once. Before I could react, a deer hit my car with huge force and lifted the car up and to the left and hard back down again. The deer flew past the windshield.
I immediately pulled over and thankfully a paramedic behind me saw what happened and pulled over in front of me. It is hard to see but the door bent, maybe the frame and I had to push to get out. I was already dazed. The seatbelt had broken my zipper and I had a bleeding nose but hadn't remembered hitting my head. As it turns out it was my own hand and arm flung up and back from the wheel that caught. As for my jacket, I hadn't realized it cut me up under it till later.

All this was the seatbelt and force of being lifted up and to the side and back down hard. I was hurt. I filed collision report and took the above pictures. I didn't feel right and was so sore. By Friday I reported my injuries and Saturday went to hospital where it was determined I had a concussion and injuries consistent with the collision. I confirmed with my family doctor and am a week into treatment with protocol in place till April 2.

I wasn't sure about my car until late Wednesday. I got an estimate Monday at repair shop and they felt it was repairable and said I kept my car I good shape. Alas, they said damage, even without airbags deploying was near $7 or $8 thousand and they said the car was worth $10,000. They wrote it off.

I asked around and while I'd have preferred to have it repaired, I worried the car would not be the same anymore. And I asked around a few shops and they said the valuation of the car was fair.

Here is the car I bought.
It is a 2021 Hyundai Elantra. It was returned after only a few months after purchase and was discounted for sale. The tint on windows, the car starter and rims as well as undercoating were all added by last owner. I received an additional $500 from a draw that day which I added rustproofing, paint protection, fabric protection and carpet protection. Car has 9 year warranty and I bought extra insurance for missing key and door dings which I experienced with my last car.

I didn't want to part with my last car but sometimes you just can't keep it because of damage.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the blog back.

    Have you figured out how to get your music onto the new radio.
