Thursday, May 14, 2020

Manitoba Metis Federation to Take Over Bank of Montreal Building

A view of the the Bank of Montreal from the Fairmont Hotel.

It has been announced that the bank has sold the building to the Manitoba Metis Federation. The bank itself will be moving the branch across to 201 Portage which presently as a RBC sign at the top of the bulding.
Work being down at 201 Portage Avenue. This used to an inside corridor. At one time there were metal doors that closed at either end. At some point they were stolen and sold for scrap presumably. The space has been dead space ever since. Some people used to sneak down there to smoke.

For 201 Portage Avenue which used to be the TD building and then Canwest building, it was not a good look. It seems the banks are changing spot on the street regularly now. The TD logo is now across the street.

The Bank of Montreal building built in 1913 and declared a heritage site in 1980 has a memorial out front commemorates the 200 employees who died in WWI. It has been lovingly been upkept but in recent years the corner has decayed and it isn't easy to access.

The handover seemed done on Manitoba's 150th birthday was done with a high degree of bonhomie. The bank's sale is a statement that it did not want its old building to sit empty. The purchase by the MMF is also a statement that they are there to do business and and bringing their not inconsiderable financial offices into the building.
Presently, the Manitoba Metis Federation have their offices in a large building built to house all the Canadian Pacific offices at 150 Henry. It is a handsome building and fairly large right by the Disraeli Freeway, I have no special insight to what they will do with their old building but it does house their vocational college which could benefit from having more space.

However, consider this: The MMF hinted that they will be making an announcement soon on bigger property than the Bank of Montreal at Portage and Main.

Lest anyone wonder if MMF has the money for purchases, keep in mind they were awarded $154 million in 2018 by the Supreme Court on a 1981 challenge on a failure to compensate for 1.4 million acres they were promised 150 years ago.
The MMF has been pushing hard for Metis to seek higher learning and a list each year those getting medical, legal, engineering, educational and social sciences degrees. It is impressive. Education is how you can really assist people in living fulfilling lives where they contribute to the overall benefit of themselves and society.

A number of people have reacted negatively or fearfully or in many cases with darker feelings to this announcement. Manitoba joined Confederation with the Metis leading the way. It has become a strong province but it has tried to absolve itself of the agreement they signed to 150 years ago. It has taken decades for the courts to resolve all this.

People complain about the poverty and the permanent underclass in Manitoba. The solution for that is not prison or death. It is fulfilling the obligation that was made and watching the Metis become the Manitobans they always wanted to be when this originally started.

I am happy the Bank of Montreal will not whither in neglect or as we dithered on what to do with it. It will be a cultural and business centre for the Metis and in some we'll see the province lifted in ways that show we are in this together.

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