Monday, October 19, 2015

Porsche Coming to Seasons Tuxedo

Porsche joins Audi at Seasons Mall Tuxedo
The Seasons development in Tuxedo which will feature the factory outlet mall Outlets of Seasons already announced the mall will include an Audi dealership. According to their literature, the other dealership to join Audi will be the Porsche Centre of Winnipeg.

The construction is well under way with the Outlets of Seasons mall with a forecast opening of Spring of 2017. Expect a flurry of other announcements of store and restaurant openings over the next several months. It quite literally is a race to land the best retailers in Canada and the world at this point or lose them to other Winnipeg locations.


  1. Do you have anything other than: "[INSERT TERRIBLE STORE NAME] is coming to [INSERT SHITTY MALL]"

  2. I have written plenty including about the election in just the previous post. Do you have anything that is posted that I could read?
