Sunday, June 29, 2014

New Condos For Shaftesbury Boulevard

9 Detached Condos for Shaftesbury Blvd
The city has sold of surplus land behind Shaftesbury High School and overlooking Shaftesbury's soccer pitch and St. Paul High School's football field. The developer of the land wants to build 9 detached condo bungalows tucked behind a hydro substation and close to Bard Place.

Tiny Patch of Surplus Land
Detached condos looks like actual houses save for the fact that owner only owns their unit inside the four walls and shares ownership of everything else such as road, roofs, snow clearing, etc.

Quite simply, it will look much like Tuxedo does now.

Overlooking fields of Shaftesbury and St. Paul's
Road access would be to Shaftesbury Boulevard. Owners of these condos likely will have a very good view of high school soccer and football games at the two high schools.

New condos tucked in a corner
The housing might be low density but the land is definitely in-fill and serves a purpose for people looking to locate or re-locate in Charleswood, River Heights and Tuxedo and want a bungalow condo. It is a wise use of land by the city and serves the taxpayers well.

CMU, Shaftesbury and St. Paul's fields
There are four school fields behind the various school along Grant. It may come in the next years but I suspect the Canadian Mennonite University might build a fieldhouse where they presently have a soccer field and baseball diamonds. Just a gut feeling I have about the direction they are going in with sports.

The widening of Shaftesbury Boulevard is inevitable at this point. It remains to be seen when that gets done.

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