Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Downtown Winnipeg - MPIC Surface Lot

One of the proposals by developer Fresh for the the surface lot near MPIC

We still haven't heard any details about the MPIC proposal for their surface lots yet. However, one company released their drawings into the wild.

It is a conglomeration of buildings but appear to be a mix of retail, hotel, condos and offices. The store looks like a Sobey Express which would be a good addition to the downtown. A boutique hotel also appears in the pictures.

With all the the talk about surface lots, the activity surrounding the Winnipeg Convention Centre and Autopac's surface lots, this could be first time in decades that that the awful gap toothed holes could be filled.

Fingers crossed that the design and function fire the imagination.

On the whole, the plans needs to be to connect the pieces, add housing to each piece, get parking underground, increase density and to ensure that such a project contributes to a neighbourhood.

1 comment:

  1. Appears to be a mix of retail, hotel, condos and offices? Appears to be a pancake breakfast barfed up by a giant robot. Holy God.

    Good find though.
