Monday, November 8, 2010

Ikea Part 3

One Man Committee has done a good job putting together the information on IKEA thus far.

Last week, the remaining woodland on either side of Sterling Lyon Parkway was bulldozed and removed. It is really vacant land now. Some of the roadways are now accessible. You can now travel on the new stretch of road from Shaftesbury to Kenaston. Likewise, there are now three lanes of traffic north under the underpass to Taylor Avenue.

The IKEA site will be the largest shopping complex in Manitoba. However, it doesn't include the Kapyong Barracks, the Manitoba Hydro site across the street from it or the snow disposal site north of Commerce Drive.

In short, the amount of land is massive.

The IKEA site on either side of Sterling Lyon Parkway.

A Kal Tire is almost complete across the street from where IKEA is going. Just south of the site is a one year old Tim Horton's restaurant in the complex housing GoodLife Fitness and the very large Terracon Business Park.

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  1. Am I the only person who thinks the new stretch of roadway between shaftsbury and Kenestan seems a little patchy? There seems to be a lot of rough spots for what is supposed to be a new roadway.

  2. No, you are not the only one. It is completely inferior work.

    Think I might dash off a letter to my new councillor.

  3. I'm curious... does anyone know what the Kapyong Barracks are being used for right now? I heard there are volunteer sand bag fillers there. Is this correct? Or maybe they are paid, I'm not sure.

  4. There was sand and trucks in there all week. Not sure who is organizing that. There is a warehouse there too so maybe the sandbagger was in there.
