Friday, October 1, 2010

River Heights-Active Transportation Part 2

Academy Road and Harrow Street, now blocked on the north side. As you can see, people use the street for access to Academy, to go down Harrow to Kelvin High and to park for the school. Now people cut through the lanes behind the houses.

Academy Road and Harrow Street, now blocked on the north side. This is the view from Academy Road looking towards Kelvin High School.

Update on parking on Grosvenor and the no parking signs that went up in front of Westworth Church:

The city engineer assured people at the church they will not be ticketed or towed if they park in front of the church. The post remains up but the sign came down on Friday. It is not entirely clear if this is temporary or a permanent change.

It is apparent that the city has been stung by an outcry on blocking a church in this way and are hoping to quell a huge backlash.

The church was contacted by The Winnipeg Sun and was talked about on The Great Canadian Talk Show. The issue was brought up with CBC Radio today.

The latest outrage in River Heights is the barricade that has gone up along Academy Road and Harrow Street on the north side of the street.

In the Free Press, Luis Escobar, manager of transportation for the city's public works department indicated this was to stop people taking shortcuts into the neighbourhood. However, now people are using the backlane or having to turn around and go the other way as there is no warning sign. This is safer for people?

Luis Escobar went on CJOB this morning and was peppered with questions about traffic all over the city. In some cases the persons who should have been giving answers were the politicians. They seem to be trying to distance themselves from all this and throwing their hands up about stopping some of the worst aspects of the active transportation chaos.

It seems the battles have to fought street by street on this issue and every day is a new surprise.

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