Thursday, September 2, 2010

Manitoba/Nunavut All Weather Road

Manitoba and Nunavut have announced again that they are looking at an all-weather road between the two jurisdictions.

Just how many times do they have to announce a project over and over again? Look at this from 2007:

Nishi-Khon/SNC-Lavalin consultants have completed the route selection study to determine the best route for a road link between Rankin Inlet and the existing highway network in Manitoba. The study, jointly funded by the governments of Nunavut and Manitoba and Kivalliq Inuit Association, forms one of the key initiatives being undertaken with Nunavut under a Memorandum of Understanding between Manitoba Infrastructure & Transportation and Nunavut Economic Development and Transportation.

The study included an assessment of social, economic, environmental and financial impacts of road development for each of the three potential corridors (Western via Lynn Lake, Central via Thompson and Eastern via Gillam) that were examined and included extensive community, stakeholder and public consultation.

The consultant has concluded that the recommended alignment for a route linking Rankin Inlet to the existing highway network in Manitoba is the Eastern Route Alternative. The Eastern Route Alternative starts near Gillam and runs northerly via Churchill to Rankin Inlet. The approximate length is 1 100 km and the estimated cost of construction is $1.2 billion.

The full report is here.

The NDP have to stop announcing projects over and over again and act like it hasn't been studied and costed out numerous times. Get on with it.

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