Saturday, September 11, 2010

Charleswood-Tuxedo Candidate Livio Ciaralli

Press Releases from Livio Ciarelli

Important Mission Statement release by

Livio Ciaralli - Candidate for Council

Charleswood - Tuxedo - Whyte Ridge

Release and comment can be viewed at :

I believe this is the biggest issue facing our City. Am surprised neither of the Mayoral candidates or other candidates are speaking about a much larger vision. All seemed to be mired in the same hot button issues without telling us how they intend to pay for it.

I am on twitter @VoteLivio

Thank You
Livio Ciaralli



Livio Ciaralli Candidate for Council - Winnipeg Constitution
Mission Statement

Dedicate myself to work with Council and the Mayor in crafting a Constitution for our City.

A Constitution that will declare, Winnipeg, the biggest and most important City in the Province has the right to its own Destiny. That right requires we have independence in our choices. The power, respect and funding to achieve our goals are the three elements that will define us.

1) Power : the Power to define our future and exercise control over our destiny.
2) Respect: the Respect that We are able to manage our own affairs.
3) Funding : an appropriate amount to meet our objectives.

Further, we should stop defining ourselves as a creation of the Province. It is fair to assume and safely say, we are all grown up.

Ask yourself, do you think it is logical to work all week and at the end of the week you have to ask your boss for some money to buy a new pair of shoes ?

And his response to you is “ Why don’t we just buy you some new laces for your old shoes “


Livio Ciaralli - Candidate for Council in the Charleswood Tuxedo Ward has pledged to make use of Bike Routes and Transit as his modes of transportation for the next 4 years to City Hall.

Why ?

I'll park my car to save constituents some money, plus I believe, like everyone I can pay my own way. If its good enough for taxpayers, then its good enough for me.

Also, I can test both systems to see how they work. I can recieve and provide feedback to better the experiences.

And finally, by doing this, I hope to Set an Example. I hope to get the attention of voters ( and non Voters) and show them I am prepared to use City systems just like they are asked to use them. Councillors need to regain the trust of voters. I hope my small efforts signal it won't be business as usual at City Hall.

Thanks You,

Livio Ciaralli

or Twitter


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