Sunday, August 1, 2010

DVDPlay at Safeways

DVDPlay started putting kiosks in Safeway in July of this year. It was a about a week later that the one in Charleswood went on the blink. Thinking that it might be just that location suffering technical difficulties, I went to Tuxedo. Ditto for not working there.

At $1.79 for a new movie, renting from DVDPlay is probably the best deal in town. However, no one will be able to take advantage of it if they are never working.

My understanding of the kiosks is that they carry limited titles of new movies and only new movies. I can see renting from the kiosk only being convenient if you happen to be in a Safeway, happen to see the new title you want available and most importantly, find that the machine is not broken. Another thought in terms of convenience is that you can't return the video 24 hours a day. It has to be during Safeway hours and you have to come inside the store.

My feeling is that if Blockbuster wishes to compete more effectively, they might want to put machines just outside their stores that are well stocked, don't require memberships, that are 24 hours a day and are cheaper. The inside of the store should be better devoted to new and used DVD sales as well as other entertainment products.

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