Friday, July 16, 2010

Fun Questions for the candidates for Charleswood-Tuxedo Ward

Fun Questions for the candidates for Charleswood-Tuxedo Ward

Question 1: What is your favourite form of recreation?
Question 2: Do you have any hobbies?
Question 3: Do you support any charities?
Question 4: What is your favourite book(s)?
Question 5: What is your favourite movie(s)?
Question 6: What is your favourite TV show(s)?
Question 7: What is your favourite sport(s)?
Question 8: Who is the most important person(s) in your life?
Question 9: What is the last sporting event in Winnipeg that you attended?
Question 10: What is the last artistic event that you have attended in Winnipeg? (i.e.: Manitoba Theatre Centre, Rainbow Stage, Plug-in Gallery)
Question 11: What is your favourite type of music?
Question 12: Who is your favourite musician(s)?
Question 13: Who is your favourite author(s)?
Question 14: What is the mode of transportation you use daily?
Question 15: Who is the person you admire most outside of your family?
Question 16: What school did you graduate from?
Question 17: What was the first job you ever had?
Question 18: What was your dream job growing up?
Question 19: What countries have you visited?
Question 20: Do you have a cottage?
Question 21: Do you have a second winter home?
Question 22: Where was your last holiday and how long were you away for?
Question 23: What would be your dream holiday destination?
Question 24: What languages do you speak?
Question 25: What is your favourite desert?
Question 26: What is your favourite food?
Question 27: What is your favourite restaurant?
Question 28: What radio stations do you listen to?
Question 29: What local or national newscasts do you watch on TV?
Question 30: What provincial politician do you admire the most?
Question 31: What federal politician do you admire the most?
Question 32: Who in history would you want to have dinner with if you were to get the chance?
Question 33: Who is your secret celebrity crush?
Question 34: Which are better dogs or cats?
Question 35: What is your favourite season of the year?

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